English Captions
- A person wearing a bear costume is inside an inflatable play area as they lose their balance and fall over.
- A person in a bear costumer stands in a bounce house and falls down as people talk in the background.
- A person dressed in a cartoon bear costume attempts to walk in a bounce house.
- A person in a mascot uniform trying to maneuver a bouncy house.
- A person in a comic bear suit falls and rolls around in a moonbounce.
- A person wearing a bear costume is inside an inflatable play area as they lose their balance and fall over.
- A person in a bear costumer stands in a bounce house and falls down as people talk in the background.
- A person dressed in a cartoon bear costume attempts to walk in a bounce house.
- A person in a mascot uniform trying to maneuver a bouncy house.
- A person in a comic bear suit falls and rolls around in a moonbounce.
Chinese Captions
- 一个人穿着熊的布偶外套倒在了蹦床上。
- 一个人穿着一套小熊服装在充气蹦蹦床上摔倒了。
- 一个穿着熊外衣的人在充气垫子上摔倒了。
- 一个穿着深色衣服的人正在蹦蹦床上。
- 在一个充气大型玩具里,有一个人穿着熊的衣服站了一下之后就摔倒了。
- 一个打扮成泰迪熊的人站在充气房上,然后摔倒了。
- 有个穿着熊装的人在充气城堡摔倒了。
- 一个装扮成熊的人站在充气蹦床里,然后摔倒了。
- 一个穿着熊服装的人在一个有弹性的城堡里平衡, 然后他们就倒在了地板上。
- 一个穿着布偶熊的人试图站在一个充气城堡上,但却摔倒了。
English Captions
- People are crossing the street and cars are turning at a busy intersection in a business district.
- Pedestrians attempt to cross a street at a busy intersection where construction is also taking place.
- Several people try to cross the street using a crosswalk as cars drive around a city.
- Several cars drive through an intersection as three people wait at the edge of the road to cross the street.
- People are crossing a busy street that is filled with traffic.
- Someone at a cross walk records vehicles as they drive by.
- People are standing and waiting to cross the street in a busy city.
- A busy street with car traffic and pedestrians walking at a crossing.
- A red color vehicle is taken reverse and a woman crosses the road swiftly.
- A group of people are attempting to cross a busy street.
Chinese Captions
- 一辆白色汽车在人来人往的马路上开动,三个人正在横过斑马线。
- 一辆白色长车开过,而后一辆小车也开过,三个人站在斑马线等着过马路。
- 白色的车辆从马路上驶过,人们快速走过斑马线。
- 一群人在人行横道上躲着车过马路。
- 一个个的行人正在急匆匆的穿过马路。
- 有人在交叉行走时记录了车辆经过的过程。
- 在一个繁忙的城市里,人们站着等着过马路。
- 一条繁忙的街道与汽车交通,一部分行人走在十字路口。
- 一辆红色的车在倒车,一名女子迅速的通过了马路。
- 一群人正试图穿过一条繁忙的街道。
English Captions
- A person is parasailing above a body of water and landing on a beach.
- Someone is recording people who are parasailing and people who are watching too.
- A man is riding a parachute and a group of people are standing down and watching them.
- Someone parasailing over a lake with several men watching.
- A person is coming down from a sky riding on a balloon glide.
- Men on a beach prepare to assist an incoming parasailor.
- A person is landing with a parachute onto a beach while others are greeting him or her.
- Someone hanging from a parachute is being pulled on a line while people watch.
- Tied to the end of a long cable, someone is para sailing and comes for a landing on a sandy beach in front of others.
- A group of people help a person parasailing to the ground.
Chinese Captions
- 一群人看另一个人从降落伞上准备落下。
- 一群人看着一个人带着降落伞从空中落了下来。
- 一个女人在一个滑翔伞上滑翔,几个男的把她拽了下来。
- 一个人乘着降落伞即将降落到沙滩上,沙滩上的人们在对他挥手。
- 在一个晴朗的天气,有一个人飘在空中,旁边有一些人在看着。
- 一群人看另一个人从降落伞上准备落下。
- 一群人看着一个人带着降落伞从空中落了下来。
- 一个女人在一个滑翔伞上滑翔,几个男的把她拽了下来。
- 一个人乘着降落伞即将降落到沙滩上,沙滩上的人们在对他挥手。
- 在一个晴朗的天气,有一个人飘在空中,旁边有一些人在看着。
English Captions
- A person is walking around in an outdoor field with a can that is on fire.
- A man holds a beer bottle that is on fire and tries two times to blow on it to make the flame bigger.
- A man is holding a burning bottle and then he spits flames from it in the air.
- Man holding a flaming beer being coaxed by others to spit into the flame.
- Someone holds a bottle with a flame and blows on it to make the flame even larger.
- A person is walking around in an outdoor field with a can that is on fire.
- A man holds a beer bottle that is on fire and tries two times to blow on it to make the flame bigger.
- A man is holding a burning bottle and then he spits flames from it in the air.
- Man holding a flaming beer being coaxed by others to spit into the flame.
- Someone holds a bottle with a flame and blows on it to make the flame even larger.
Chinese Captions
- 一个男人正在一片绿色的草地上玩喷火。
- 一个男人在草地上拿着点着的瓶子给周围人表演吹火。
- 一个人正在拿着火把进行杂技表演。
- 一个穿着短袖的人在户外草坪上玩火。
- 一个男人手中拿着燃烧着的燃烧瓶,并用嘴吹了第一下喷火了,吹第二下的时候没喷火。
- 一个男人在别人的鼓励下对着火把吐火。
- 一名男子手持火炬,然后在上面喷了一口液体,表演喷火。
- 当一个人在向它吹的时候,手里 拿着东西着火了, 形成了一个大的火焰。
- 当一个男孩拿着一个瓶子着火并吹起火焰时,一群人在欢呼。
- 一个人手里拿着一个带火焰的物体,他用嘴使劲吹,但是火焰变得更大了。